Your customer feedback, analysed and actionable.

Automatic insight capture & categorisation across channels. Detect patterns, understand context and drive product growth.
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Unify feedback, discover trends, drive impact

  • Eliminate manual tagging
  • Tie feedback to revenue
  • Align product & GTM teams
  • Prioritise confidently

Understand what your customers care about

Align automatically captures and categorises customer insights from all your qualitative data sources and makes their meaning queryable for your product team.

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An illustration of different topics and their sentiment

What you can do

Prioritise confidently

Questions like “who else has brought this up?” or “what’s the most critical problem for a particular user segment?” are no longer difficult to answer.

See what customers are saying
Explore what topics your customers talk about, how often and in what context.
Discover trends as they emerge
Align automatically detects trends in customer feedback and estimates the level of impact.
Dig deeper into context
Segment your topics & insights by criteria that matter to you like deal or company size, data source and timeline.
Build cross-functional alignment
Bridge the gap between product, sales and support by focusing on customer feedback at scale.
An illustration of different topics, estimated impact, and customer sentiment

Data sources

Integrate with all your critical data sources

Connect with the tools your team already uses to get a full picture of your clients' feedback, all in one place.

Hubspot logo
Analyse feedback from notes, meetings & emails
Salesforce logo
Find insights from notes, calls & emails
Intercom logo
Sync feedback directly from your support conversations
Slack logo
Listen to feedback from your internal and customer channels
Zendesk logo
Detect patterns and insights from customer conversations
Gong logo
Pull feedback from meeting recordings

...and many more

Drive growth with AI-powered customer intelligence

Align's AI-powered feedback intelligence platform helps your organisation get on the same page and build products that people love.

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Backed by proven founders and investors

500 Startups logo
Change Ventures logo
Image of Harsh Sinha

Harsh Sinha


Image of Markus Villig

Markus Villig


Image of Janer Gorohhov

Janer Gorohhov
